Fantasy Newsletter No.32

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  1. FANTASY NEWSLETTER No.32 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears on the fanzine cover, "Fantasy Newsletter No.32".

    Before 1950 there were very few science fiction books and paperbacks published during the year, you could actually read every one of them that did appear in print. Not so today.

    A few years ago I was in the office of Jim Baen who was then the editor at Ace paperback books, he was busy assembling the next batch of books to be published the following month. He had to come up with 46 new titles. His job was to produce that many titles every month, though I'm not sure how many of them were actually SF titles. Ace Books is only one publisher among many, so how can anyone keep up with all the SF books being published every month, year after year.

    Amazingly, I know someone who is trying to do just that. His home is jam- packed with books and magazines, there seems to be no more room left in the house to put them, even the basement is overloaded. And yet almost every day except Sunday, the postman delivers more books and magazines to him, books in print and out of print. And he regularly orders books forthcoming. He can't buy every SF book, magazine and comic book ever published, but he sure seems happy trying.

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